    Volumes 2016-2022
    Complete,28 issues. Due to logistical problems, shipping only to EU countries and Switzerland
    EUR 75,00
    plus postage
    Volumes 2010-2015
    Complete,24 issues. Due to logistical problems, shipping only to EU countries and Switzerland
    EUR 70,00
    plus postage


SAURIA is published quarterly by the Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e.V. (TGB) since 1979.

Over the years it developed from an „amateur journal“ with b/w figures to a peer reviewed journal with colour illustrations throughout the publication. Content-wise SAURIA is directed at professionals and enthusiasts who are concerned with the study, keeping and / or breeding of reptiles and amphibians. Reports on herpetological excursion worldwide are an essential part of the publication.

Our predominantly easily comprehensible articles deal with all areas of husbandry and herpetology on at least 64 -almost advert free- pages. In order to address an international readership all articles include an English summary as well as German/English figure captions. Additionally Short Notes are published in English as are publications concerned with taxonomic changes.

Published by

Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e.V. VR 5678 B, c/o Ulrich Manthey, Kindelbergweg 15, D-12249 Berlin, +49 - 30 - 711 11 60X


Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e.V., Postbank Berlin IBAN: DE12 1001 0010 0022 3081 05 BIC: PBNKDEFFXXX

Financial Management (subscriptions, advertisement, finances)

Ulrich Manthey, Kindelbergweg 15, D-12249 Berlin
tgb_kasse@sauria.de Tel.: +4930 / 711 11 60

Editor in chief

Jürgen Bednarski, Scharfenberger Str. 14 B, D-13505 Berlin


Ullrich Manthey, Wolfgang Grossmann, Peter Fritz, Wolfgang Denzer

Management (Shipment onlineshop)

Bruno Treu, Bauerwitzerweg 23, D-12621 Berlin
abo@sauria.de Tel.: +4915156337595



sinumX GmbH
Große Weinmeisterstr. 3a
D-14469 Potsdam
Tel.: +49 331 275 777 0, Fax: +49 331 275 77 99

SAURIA is published quarterly towards the end of the months of March, June, September and December. It is published for no material interest. Its subscription fees are included in the annual fees for membership in the TGB.

All rights reserved, reprint, multiplication, translation, and transfer to other media permitted only if specifically granted in writing by the publishers.


We reserve the right not to be responsible for the correctness or completeness of the information given on these webpages. They will be updated without separate announcement on an irregular basis and are therefore subject to changes. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected. The partners involved in sauria.de herewith declare that they will not be responsible for the contents of pages to which a link is provided. They as well will not be able to guarantee the correctness of the contents of linked pages. In case a visitor may find offensive or illegal contents we would be very pleased to receive an according information in order to delete such a link.

Information on Revocation

Right to revoke
This right to revoke exists only for consumers.
You may revoke your contractual declaration within a period of two weeks, without giving a reason, in the shape of a text message (e.g., by letter, fax, E-mail) or by returning the object. This period starts at the earliest with receipt of this information. To comply with the temporal limitation it will suffice to post the text message of revocation or object in time to the following address:
Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e.V.
c/o Ulrich Manthey
Kindelbergweg 15
D-12249 Berlin

Consequences of revocation
In the case of a valid revocation, both parties are to return the mutually received benefits and surrender possible gains. If you are unable to return the received benefit in full or part or only in degenerated condition, you may be obligated to grant us compensation. In the case of an object having been made available to you, this does not apply if the degeneration of the condition of the object is merely the result of examining it in a manner you would have been able to in a shop outlet, for example. You may otherwise avoid becoming liable for compensation by not using the object as though it were your property and refrain from doing anything to or with it that could compromise its value. The costs for returning an object or objects is for your account if the object(s) supplied correspond to your order and if the total value of the returned object(s) does not exceed Euro 50.00, or if, in the case of a higher value of the object(s), you have not yet fulfilled your part of the agreement or paid a contractually agreed deposit at the time of revocation. Returning the object is otherwise free of charge for you. You will have to fulfil all obligations that may entitle you to refunds within a period of 30 days from sending off your declaration of revocation.

General Terms and Conditions

The following General Terms and Conditions, referred to in the following as GTCs, apply to all business relationships entered into between Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. and its representatives, referred to in the following as Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V., and its customers.
If the customer is a commercial enterprise, these GTCs apply where they contain applicable stipulations. Their applicability also extends to future business.

1. Extent of applicability
These GTCs apply to all contractual agreements, agreements, or other transactions entered into with Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. These are the only GTCs applicable. GTCs deviating from or opposing these require express written consent for validation. Other agreements and pledges are legally binding only if confirmed in writing.

2. Orders
The range of objects for sale does not represent a legally binding offer, but rather is an invitation to the customer to enter into a legally binding contractual agreement. Offers are subject to change without notice and stand as long as the respective object on offer is available ex stock or otherwise. By sending off an order, the customers declares his binding offer to enter into a contractual agreement with regard to the object(s) ordered as well as his/her agreement to subjecting it to the GTCs stipulated here.
Contractual agreements are entered into exclusively by written confirmation of the order or by issuing a formal invoice. In this respect, every partial delivery represents a separate contractual agreement.
Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. does not assume responsibility for erroneous or faulty details in the customer’s order.

3. Prices
Prices are to be regarded as binding only if they are confirmed by means of an invoice or written order confirmation or stated specifically on the official Internet representation of Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. All prices are given in Euro (EUR). Costs for packing and postage are for the customer’s account.

4. Supply and payment
Goods are supplied exclusively against payment upfront. Deviations from this principle require prior written consent by Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. Delays in supply that are beyond the range of influence of Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. are also beyond the range of responsibility of the latter. This includes in particular instances of force majeure, technical disturbances, instructions or directives by the authorities, as well as problems the subcontracted delivery service providers may encounter. In instances of this character, Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. shall be entitled to make use of an appropriate extension period of time. If circumstances beyond the latter’s control render it impossible or unreasonable to fulfil an order, the seller shall be released from his obligation to supply.
If the customer cancels his/her contract (order) while there is no delay in supply or reason for the cancellation, a compensation fee of 20% of the order value will be due without a necessity for specifying the exact damages incurred. This leaves unaffected the possibility of individual claims for compensation of damages incurred by Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. that exceed this limit, as well as the presentation of argumentation as evidence of lesser damage by the customer.

5. Transfer of risks
All risks are transferred to the customer when the ordered goods are collected or handed over to the person transporting them as long as the exception provided for in Art. 474 II BGB does not apply. This also applies in cases where shipping has been agreed.

6. Guarantee and acceptance of responsibility
The customer is obliged to immediately examine the goods supplied for obvious flaws. An obvious flaw must be reported to the supplier without delay (within a period of three days), otherwise the goods will be deemed to have been accepted as is, and later claims cannot be entertained. Claims for damages or monetary losses resulting from the use of the supplied goods can only be entertained if they are a consequence of gross negligence by Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. and are in any case limited to the value of the supplied goods. In particular are excluded any claims for loss of profit or any other damages to the wealth of the customer. If the customer notices a subsequent manifestation of flaws he/she is obliged to inform Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V.  immediately in writing. If such flaw in the purchased object is found to be genuine, the customer may claim replacement. If such fails or would require unreasonable effort by Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. and could therefore be refused, the customer shall be entitled in the case of a substantial shortcoming to terminate the agreement, reduce the purchase price, or claim compensation. Transfer of such claims is not possible. Unless stated otherwise in these GTCs, no customer claims exceeding this extent will be entertained. Over and above this, the acceptance of responsibility, as defined by law, is limited to acts of premeditation and gross negligence.
Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. will not assume responsibility for flaws that arise from the inappropriate handling of goods supplied.
The assertion of a claim under guarantee conditions compels the customer to provide proof of the damage. All relevant evidence to this effect has to be made available to Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. In such a case, the customer agrees to provide upon request further proof and documentation without costs which Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. might deem necessary for the substantiation of his/her claim.

7. Additional demands
Additional demands by the customer, irrespective of their legal nature, cannot be entertained as long as their exclusion does not contravene existing legislation.

8. Proprietary rights
Goods supplied remain the property of Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. until paid for in full by the purchaser. Resale of goods still residing under limited proprietary rights is permissible only within the ordinary range of business of the customer. In this case, the customer cedes all demands arising from the resale of and relating to the goods still residing under limited proprietary rights as collateral to Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V.
The customer is obliged to always inform Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. in full and truthfully about the status of all goods still residing under limited proprietary rights and which are therefore still the property of, and demands arising from their resale that have been ceded in accordance with these GTCs, to Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V., and also inform Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. if a third party appropriates or stakes a claim on these goods.
Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e. V. shall be entitled to terminate the agreement and claim back supplied goods if the customer is in breach of this agreement, in particular so if the customer’s account is in arrears.

9. Invalidity of individual articles
If any article of the above stipulations is invalid, such shall not affect the validity of all other stipulations. The parties shall then be obliged to find and agree upon a stipulation that is closest to the nature and intent of the disputed regulation. If this is not possible, common legislation shall apply.

10. Jurisdiction and applicable legislation
The place of jurisdiction and settlement is Berlin, as far as it conforms to Art. 29 ZPO. Legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be exclusively applied. Only the German-language version of these GTCs is legally binding.

Terms and Conditions particular to Digital Products (PDFs)

Our online shop also offers digital products (PDFs). These digital products are subject to the following particular conditions, which take precedence over those outlined in our General Terms and Conditions.

1. Conditions of use
Upon receipt of payment for a digital product ordered, the TGB will grant the customer a non-transferrable right for the use of its digital contents for private and in-house (companies) purposes. Under the terms and conditions of use, the customer may copy and save the digital contents only for private and in-house (companies) use. The customer agrees to using the digital products exclusively privately or in-house (companies) and not for further distributing their digital contents or other purposes. In using the digital products or their contents, the customer undertakes to not violate copyrights and conform to all applicable laws.
The customer furthermore undertakes to not further distribute, transfer, leave to use, sell, broadcast, let for rent, share, change, adapt, edit, licence out, or otherwise transfer or use the contents of our digital products, unless he/she has been explicitly authorized to do so in writing by the TGB.

2. Right to revoke
The right to revoke an order is excluded for products that are not suitable for being returned due to their structural nature (e.g., downloads after the downloading process has started). Revoking an order of digital products is possible prior to the start of a download, though. Moreover, revocation in extraordinary situations, as made provision for and stipulated in Art. 312d paragraph 4 of the BGB, is excluded as well.

3. Download and back-up copies
When digital products have been ordered, the TGB will request the customer to download the products without delay and making a back-up copy. The period for a download is limited to 30 days and a download may be restarted anytime during this period. The TGB reserves the right to alter, update, modify or delete the digital products and their contents any time and without prior notification. No claims or rights against the TGB may be derived from such practice. The customer is the only party to bear all risk of loss after purchase and loss of digital contents due to malfunction of their computer or harddrive disk. The TGB will not be liable for replacement or compensation of any damages a user may suffer as a result of the transmission, saving and use of digital contents of whatever nature provided.

Privacy statement and data protection

Content and Disclaimer
The Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e.V. (in the following „TGB“) does not guarantee the correctness, completeness or quality of the content presented on our website. Furthermore, the TGB is not responsible for any content provided by websites that are linked to the TGB website. Any liability with respect to the above mentioned content is excluded.

Data collection and security
All the information collected and processed during your visit on our website is only used by the TGB in accordance with the current legislation on data protection. When you are visiting our website the server automatically collects technical data such as your IP address and information about the browser you use. These data cannot be assigned to a particular user and therefore you remain anonymous. We use cookies on our website only to identify technical information while you are visiting our website. Cookies are small text files that are exchanged between devices in order to optimize your experience on our website. The TGB website does not use cookies that collect personal data of any kind.

Storage, transfer and deletion of information
If you provide personal information to the TGB these data will only be stored, used and in cases where a third party service is necessary (e.g. parcel service, mailing) transferred to a third party in order to enable us to provide the intended services. You can at any time contact the TGB and ask that your personal information will be deleted. However, we would like to note that in such cases our services such as mailing the journal Sauria or downloading of individual articles from the journal's website will no longer be available online.

By using this website you agree to our privacy policy. If you have any question regarding our privacy policy or website content please contact
the TGB via Email tgb@sauria.de
by mail  Vorsitzender Peter Fritz, Straße 26, Nr. 9 b, D-13129 Berlin

Logo TGB
Terrariengemeinschaft Berlin e.V.