    Volumes 2016-2022
    Complete,28 issues. Due to logistical problems, shipping only to EU countries and Switzerland
    EUR 75,00
    plus postage
    Volumes 2010-2015
    Complete,24 issues. Due to logistical problems, shipping only to EU countries and Switzerland
    EUR 70,00
    plus postage

Author instructions

Manuscripts submitted to Sauria should be sent to chief_editor@sauria.de. Within one month you will know if it has been accepted.

In order to give our authors a maximum freedom regarding their publication we abstain from setting out extensive rules for manuscript writing

However, it is necessary to comply with a few simple rules:

Manuscripts may be submitted in German or English. Should the author(s) wish so the SAURIA editors will commission necessary translations and / or the English summary.
Figures and figure captions are not an integral part of the manuscript but should be provided as separate files.
Please do not use capital letters for whole words; if possible use small caps for authors and names of persons and italics for genus and species names.
Data extracted from other publication must be accompanied by citations (author and year). All citation need to list in the bibliography / cited literature section. Citations should be in the form: author, year, title, journal, pages.
Please submit your manuscripts in RTF, DOC or DOCX format.

Pictures should be provided as high quality JPEG files with a minimum width of 1024 pixels (corresponding to approx. 36 cm at 72ppi); alternatively TIFF or PSD files are acceptable.
Diagram may be produced using Microsoft Excel or Adobe Illustrator.
Please ensure that all layers are maintained / conserved in illustration files with text inserts. JPEG format is not suitable in this case.
In order ton ensure optimum print quality drawings should be scanned with a minimum resolution of 800 dpi.

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